Учебники ASP


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Бритва ASP.NET

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Справочник ASP

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Учебник по ADO

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Объекты АДО

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Открытый метод ADO

❮ Полный справочник объектов потока

Метод Open используется для открытия объекта Stream.


objStream.Open source,mode,opt,username,psword

Parameter Description
source Optional. The data source for the Stream object (a URL that points to an existing node in a tree structure, like an e-mail or file system or a reference to an already opened Record object). If source is not specified, a new Stream object, with a size of zero, will be created and opened
mode Optional. A ConnectModeEnum value that specifies the access mode for a Stream object. Default is adModeUnknown
opt Optional. A StreamOpenOptionsEnum value that specifies options for opening a Stream object. Default is adOpenStreamUnspecified
username Optional. A name of a user who can access the Stream object. If Source is an already opened Record, this parameter is not specified
psword Optional. A password that validates the username. If Source is an already opened Record, this parameter is not specified

Значения ConnectModeEnum

Constant Value Description
adModeUnknown 0 Default. Permissions have not been set or cannot be determined
adModeRead 1 Read-only
adModeWrite 2 Write-only
adModeReadWrite 3 Read/write
adModeShareDenyRead 4 Prevents others from opening a connection with read permissions
adModeShareDenyWrite 8 Prevents others from opening a connection with write permissions
adModeShareExclusive 12 Prevents others from opening a connection
adModeShareDenyNone 16 Allows others to open a connection with any permissions
adModeRecursive 0x400000 Used with adModeShareDenyNone, adModeShareDenyWrite, or adModeShareDenyRead to set permissions on all sub-records of the current Record

Значения StreamOpenOptionsEnum

Constant Value Description
adOpenStreamUnspecified -1 Default. Opens the Stream object with default options
adOpenStreamAsync 1 Opens the Stream object in asynchronous mode
adOpenStreamFromRecord 4 Identifies the contents of the Source parameter to be an already open Record object. The default behavior is to treat Source as a URL that points directly to a node in a tree structure. The default stream associated with that node is opened.

❮ Полный справочник объектов потока