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Учебник по ADO

Введение в ADO АДО Коннект Набор записей ADO Дисплей АДО ADO-запрос Сортировка ADO ADO Добавить Обновление ADO АДО Удалить Демонстрация ADO Ускорение ADO

Объекты АДО

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Свойство состояния ADO

❮ Полная ссылка на объект поля

Свойство Status возвращает значение FieldStatusEnum , указывающее состояние объекта Field. Значение по умолчанию — адфиелдок.

Если какое-либо обновление завершается с ошибкой, возвращается ошибка, а свойство Status указывает комбинированные значения кода состояния операции и ошибки. Свойство Status для каждого поля можно использовать, чтобы определить, почему поле не было добавлено, изменено или удалено.

О проблемах с добавлением, изменением или удалением поля сообщается через это свойство. Например, если пользователь удаляет поле, оно будет помечено для удаления в коллекции полей. Если вызов Update возвращает ошибку из-за того, что пользователь пытался удалить поле, для которого у него нет разрешения, статус для этого поля будет adFieldPermissionDenied или adFieldPendingDelete.




set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "c:/webdata/northwind.mdb"

set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.open "Select * from orders", conn



Значения FieldStatusEnum

Constant Value Description
adFieldOK 0 Default. The field was successfully added or deleted
adFieldCantConvertValue 2 The field cannot be retrieved or stored without loss of data
adFieldIsNull 3 The provider returned a null value
adFieldTruncated 4 Variable-length data was truncated when reading from the data source
adFieldSignMismatch 5 The data value returned by the provider was signed, but the data type of the ADO field value was unsigned
adFieldDataOverflow 6 The data returned from the provider overflowed the data type of the field
adFieldCantCreate 7 The field could not be added because the provider exceeded a limitation
adFieldUnavailable 8 The provider could not determine the value when reading from the data source
adFieldPermissionDenied 9 The field cannot be modified because it is read-only
adFieldIntegrityViolation 10 The field cannot be modified because it is a calculated or derived entity
adFieldSchemaViolation 11 The value violated the data source schema constraint for the field
adFieldBadStatus 12 An invalid status value was sent from ADO to the OLE DB provider
adFieldDefault 13 The default value for the field was used when setting data
adFieldIgnore 15 This field was skipped when setting data values in the source
adFieldDoesNotExist 16 The field does not exist
adFieldInvalidURL 17 The data source URL contains invalid characters
adFieldResourceLocked 18 The provider cannot perform the operation because the data source is locked
adFieldResourceExists 19 The provider cannot perform the operation because an object already exists at the destination URL and it is not able to overwrite the object
adFieldCannotComplete 20 The server of the URL specified by Source could not complete the operation
adFieldVolumeNotFound 21 The provider is unable to locate the storage volume indicated by the URL
adFieldOutOfSpace 22 The provider is unable to obtain enough storage space to complete a move or copy operation
adFieldCannotDeleteSource 23 During a move operation, a tree or subtree was moved to a new location, but the source could not be deleted
adFieldReadOnly 24 The field in the data source is read-only
adFieldResourceOutOfScope 25 A source or destination URL is outside the scope of the current record
adFieldAlreadyExists 26 The specified field already exists
adFieldPendingInsert 0x10000 The Append operation caused the status to be set. The field has been marked to be added to the Fields collection after the Update method is called
adFieldPendingDelete 0x20000 The Delete operation caused the status to be set. The field has been marked for deletion from the Fields collection after the Update method is called
adFieldPendingChange 0x40000 The field has been deleted and then re-added or the value of the field which previously had a status of adFieldOK has changed
adFieldPendingUnknown 0x80000 The provider cannot determine what operation caused field status to be set
adFieldPendingUnknownDelete 0x100000 The provider cannot determine what operation caused field status to be set, and that the field will be deleted from the Fields collection after the Update method is called.

❮ Полная ссылка на объект поля