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Встроенные модули

DNS - модуль Node.js

❮ Встроенные модули


Найдите веб-адрес и напишите его IP-адрес:

var dns = require('dns');
var w3 = dns.lookup('w3schools.com', function (err, addresses, family) {

Определение и использование

Модуль DNS предоставляет способ выполнения разрешения имен.


Синтаксис включения модуля DNS в ваше приложение:

var dns = require('dns');


Method Description
getServers() Returns an array containing all IP addresses belonging to the current server
lookup() Looks up a hostname. A callback function contains information about the hostname, including it's IP address
lookupService() Looks up a address and port. A callback function contains information about the address, such as the hostname
resolve() Returns an array of record types belonging to the specified hostname
resolve4() Looks up an IPv4 address. The callback function includes an array of IPv4 addresses
resolve6() Looks up an IPv6 address. The callback function includes an array of IPv6 addresses
resolveCname() Looks up CNAME records for the specified hostname. The callback function includes an array of available domains for the hostname
resolveMx() Looks up mail exchange records for the specified hostname.
resolveNaptr() Looks up regular expression based records for the specified hostname.
resolveNs() Looks up name server records for the specified hostname.
resolveSoa() Looks up a start of authority record for the specified hostname.
resolveSrv() Looks up service records for the specified hostname.
resolvePtr() Looks up pointer records for the specified hostname.
resolveTxt() Looks up text query records for the specified hostname.
reverse() Reverses an IP address into an array of hostnames
setServers() Sets the IP addresses of the servers

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