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Встроенные модули

Модуль файловой системы Node.js

❮ Встроенные модули


Откройте файл и выведите содержимое:

var fs = require('fs');

fs.readFile('demofile.txt', 'utf8', function(err, data) {
  if (err) throw err;

Определение и использование

Модуль файловой системы предоставляет способ работы с файловой системой компьютера.


Синтаксис для включения модуля файловой системы в ваше приложение:

var fs = require('fs');

Методы файловой системы

Method Description
access() Checks if a user has access to this file or directory
accessSync() Same as access(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
appendFile() Appends data to a file
appendFileSync() Same as appendFile(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
chmod() Changes the mode of a file
chmodSync() Same as chmod(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
chown() Changes the owner of a file
chownSync() Same as chown(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
close() Closes a file
closeSync() Same as close(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
constants Returns an object containing constant values for the file system
createReadStream() Returns a new stream object
createWriteStream() Returns a new writeable stream object
exists() Deprecated. Checks if a file or folder exists
existsSync() Same as exists(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous. This method is NOT deprecated
fchmod() Changes the mode of a file
fchmodSync() Same as fchmod(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
fchown() Changes the owner of a file
fchownSync() Same as fchown(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
fdatasync() Syncronizes a file with the one stored on the computer
fdatasyncSync() Same as fdatasync(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
fstat() Returns the status of a file
fstatSync() Same as fstat(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
fsync() Syncronizes a file with the one stored on the computer
fsyncSync() Same as fsync(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
ftruncated() Truncates a file
ftruncatedSync() Same as ftruncated(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
futimes() Change the timestamp of a file
futimesSync() Same as futimes(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
lchmod() Changes the mode of a file, for Mac OS X
lchmodSync() Same as lchmod(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
lchown() Changes the owner of a file, for Mac OS X
lchownSync() Same as lchown(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
link() Makes an addition name for a file. Both the old and the new name may be used
linksync() Same as link(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
lstat() Returns the status of a file
lstatSync() Same as lstat(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
mkdir() Makes a new directory
mkdirSync() Same as mkdir(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
mkdtemp() Makes a new temporary directory
mkdtempSync() Same as mktemp(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
open() Opens a file
openSync() Same as open(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
read() Reads the content of a file
readdir() Reads the content of a directory
readdirSync() Same as readdir(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
readFile() Reads the content of a file
readFileSync() Same as readFile(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
readlink() Reads the value of a link
readlinkSync() Same as readlink(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
realpath() Returns the absolute pathname
realpathSync() Same as realpath(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
rename() Renames a file
renameSync() Same as rename(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
rmdir() Removes a directory
rmdirSync() Same as rmdir(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
stat() Returns the status of a file
statSync() Same as stat(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
symlink() Makes a symbolic name for a file
symlinkSync() Same as symlink(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
truncate() Truncates a file
truncateSync() Same as truncate(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
unlink() Removes a link
unlinkSync() Same as unlink(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
unwatchFile() Stops watching for changes on a filename
utimes() Change the timestamp of a file
utimesSync() Same as utimes(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
watch() Watch for changes of a filename or directoryname
watchFile() Watch for changes of a filename
write() Writes buffer to a file
write() Writes data to a file
writeFile() Writes data to a file
writeFileSync() Same as writeFile(), but synchronous instead of asynchronous
writeSync() Same as write(); writes buffer to a file synchronous instead of asynchronous
writeSync() Same as write(); writes data to a file synchronous instead of asynchronous

❮ Встроенные модули